Lift 4.2

Time: before work
Where: gym
Romanian DL (65)10×1; (85) 10×2
Kneeling lat pull down (100) 10×2; (110) 10×1
Kettle bell swings 10×3
Vicep curls-breakdowns, 20-15-10-5
Tricep dips (BW)10×3
Eagles (5) 20×3
Notes and observations: My heart wasn’t in it. My right knee has been bugging me, so I was trying to find stuff that would keep it happy, or at least not pissed off. Plus, I was reading a great book on the bus that I had o stop because I arrived at my destination, the gym. Boo!
Music: Sam’s Town

Lift 3.28

Time: before work
Where: gym
DB bench press (25) 12×1, (30) 10×2
Hamstring curls (70) 10×3
Step Ups (40) 10 ea x 1, (35) 10ea x2
Lat pull down using free motion machine (40) 10×1, (45) 10×2
Plank 75 sec x2
Side plank 45 sec x2 ea side
Notes and observations: a poorly planned workout. I don’t know what the problem is but I feel like I’m flailing right now. Perhaps it’s the lingering cold I’ve had the last couple of weeks. Exhaustion. Who knows.
I am planning a good run tomorrow, outdoors. Let’s jumpstart this.
Music: John Mayer, shuffle.

Lift 3.26

Time: before work
Where: gym
Workout: 1 mile warm up run. Then ….
Romanian deadlift (65) 12×3
Pull ups / push ups ladder, 21-18-15-12-9-6-3
BW squats and lunges in between
Notes and observations: none. I was tired. Back was sore. Wanted to lift heavy but the I felt a slight tweak near the beginning of deadlift and didn’t want to risk aggravating.
My left knee is still achy. Does that ever stop?
Music: Taylor swift, fearless

Lift 3.19

Time: before work
Where: gym (HVAC fixed. Finally!)
Workout: 1 mile warm up. Then …
DB bench press (25) 12; (30) 10 x 2
Leg lifts 12 x 3
DB squats (30) 12×3
Seated row (80) 10 x 3
Single leg squat, rear leg elevated BW x10
Plank 75 sec x2

Notes and observations:

Lift 2.29

Happy Leap Day. Thank goodness I have an extra day to train.

Time: 7:45 am

Where: Gym

Workout: Supersets, the choice for the time-challenged

  • Romanian DL: (65) 12×1; (85) 8 x 2
  • Kneeling Lat Down: (100) 12 x 1; (110) 12×1; (120) 10×1
  • Squats with BB above head (30) 10 x 3
  • Pushups, elevated 12 x 3
  • Split Squat, Rear foot elevated, (20 lb db) 10 x 3
  • Plank, elevated 60 sec x 2

Notes and Observations: None that I can think of.

Music: Snow Patrol

Lift 2.22

Time: 7:50

Where: Gym

Workout: Dynamic warm up. Then…supersets

1a) DB Bench Press: (25) 10 x 3

1b) Leg lifts 10x 3

2a) DB Squats: (25) 10×3

2b) Tricep Dips on bench: 10×3

3a) Kneeling Lat Pull Downs: (100) 10×3

3b) Burpees: 10 x 3

4a) Single Leg DL w/DB: (15) 12×1; (20) 10×2

4b) DB Shoulder Press: (15) 12×1; (20) 10×2

Notes and Observations: I should probably sit and think about how/where to increase weights. Part of me wants to keep to maintenance mode. But then I saw a gym regular, who I’ve nicknamed Martha’s Mom 1, on the bench press, lifting about as much as I usually do. I thought, hell, if SHE can do that, then I can certainly do more than that. But then I thought, way to go, Mom! (MM1 has gotten this nickname not because she rows for MM, but because in my crazy weird mind I picture her fitting in well with the MM crew. MM1 has a workout partner who was not here today, MM2, I call her).


via someecards


This is more true if you are on the erg next to me. Lucky for L.A. Fitness members I haven’t been on an erg for months.

Music: John Mayer, Battle Studies (I love the song ‘Assassin’)

Lift 2.20

Time: 7:45am

Where: Gym


Romanian DL: (55#) 15 x 1; (65#) 12 x 2

Pushups 12 x 3

DB Lunges (15#) 10 x 3

Assisted Pull Ups (100#) 10 x 3

Horizontal Wood Chop: (20#) 10 x 3

Plank: 75 seconds x 2

Notes & Observations: Fail to plan, plan to fail. I found myself floundering because I didn’t have a set plan before I stepped into the gym. I hate that. I tried to go for the general “Include one push, one pull, one bi-leg and one both-leg” exercise, but it was hard to get motivated at first.

My left foot and left knee have been bugging me, which is why I didn’t have a plan. Wasn’t sure what I’d be able to do. By the end it barely was noticeable, but it’s something I need to watch for these next few days.

A lot of stretching at the end, too. I need to do that much more.

Music: The Killers, Sam’s Town

Lift 2.8

Time: 12:45

Where: Gym

Workout: Supersets, minimal rest in between

DB Squats: (20 lb) 15 reps x 1 (25 lb) 15 x 2

1a) DB Lunges: (15 lbs) 10 x 3

1b) Pushups: 12 x3

2a) Seated Rows: (80 lbs) 10 x 3

2b) Split Squat, Rear Leg Elevated: BW 10 x 3

3a) DB Shoulder Press (20lb ea) 10 x 3

3b) Leg Lift on bench: 12 x 3

4a) Medicine Ball Side Rotation (8lb) 16 x 3

4b) Prone Jacknife on Ball: 10 x 3

Notes: Weight Room at lunch time is a totally different crowd of musclemen. Weird. Tried to keep things easy as my knees/joints are a bit sore after yesterday’s run.

Music: No iPod today. Can’t remember what the gym was playing.

Lift 1.31

Time: 7:45a
Where: gym
Workout: Supersets, 60 sec rest between each superset

1a) DB Squats (25 lbs) 12 reps x 3

1b) Leg Lifts 12 reps x 3

2a) Step Ups (Machine 40 lbs): 10 reps x 3

2b) Push Ups: 12 x 3

3a) Kneeling Lat Pull Down (90 lbs) 12 x 3

3b) Mountain Climbers 15 x 3

4) Yates Rows 10 x 3

5) Plank 60 sec x 2

Notes and Observations: tightening the core in lat pull downs.

Music: Foo Fighters, Wasting Light