Hey! I successfully completed the Big Climb, with 5,000 other participants. Hooray!
First, a special thanks to those who donated to my fundraising efforts: Ray, Sandy, Claire, and Harv & Judy. The generosity was much appreciated and was a small but meaningful contribution to the total $3,500 that our team, LWRC, raised in total. Also, thanks to those who trained with me on the Howe Street Stairs, whether you climbed a few hundred steps or a few thousand. All told I probably climbed no less than 20,000 steps to train.
The event itself was somewhat low-key and solo. As the majority of my team was rowers, like me, the best way we could describe this was, too long to be considered a sprint, too short to be considered a head race. Something in that murky in-between area. While in the days leading up to it we received constant information and support from our team leader, John, ultimately climbing up 69 floors is an individual venture. Among the 10 of us, I was second to start, as I predicted my time would be somewhat slower than my teammates. Ultimately David, Tyler, Niki, Conor and Howard passed me. I passed one teammate, Rachel; and KC was right on my tail as I crossed the finish line. The flights went much quicker than I expected. And my goal to do 2-at-a-times for the first half and then alternate between 2-at-a-times and 1-at-a-times for the second half fell short about a quarter of the way into the race. I stuck with the 1-at-a-times, except when trying to pass people. And that one guy, at the end, with 5 flights or so to go, who wouldn’t let me pass. Well, shame on you. Granted, I was pretty exhausted and I’m not quite sure if I would have passed but I would have at least appreciated the opportunity.
So, I made it to the top of the Columbia Tower. Hooray! Just my luck, I was so dang tired I didn’t feel like checking out the Observatory Deck to check out the amazing views. Eh. I’ll see them some other time. What I really needed was to catch my breath. The oxygen-getting-to-your-lungs situation was a bit sketchy at the end. Felt very much like the post-race rower’s cough that several of us experience after a frenzied sprint finish. I’m still feeling some wheeziness which I’m sure will subside at some point.
In all, not so bad. My 69 Flights of Rock playlist was quite successful (“Evenflow” was just winding down as I passed the finish line). And the company was great. A light and easy-going environment, with support and good vibes all around.
5,000 participants, I believe, is a record, and the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society hopes to raise nearly $1 million from the event.
By the way, here is my pre-race meal (eaten about three hours before the event). Maple oatmeal with red berries and a half a banana; plus one egg, overeasy/smashed (as the husband would say):

Update: my time – 13:55. This beats my initial goal of 14:30, which is great! But a part of me wishes I had told that slow guy to move aside for the last few flights. Sigh.