WODS of December 2014

Well, my goal (because I refuse to set new year resolutions) of blogging more has been SOOO successful.

But, everyone should have fitness goals. Last year my goal was to increase my max pull ups and … I’m still at one. Oh well.

This year? I’m itching to switch things up a little bit but haven’t figured out how, exactly. I did someone get conned into signing up for a 15K. Funny thing, that. I thought, oh, March is so far away and that’s plenty of time to train. And then after signing up I thought, Hm. Race date is March 1, which is basically the end of February. And then I thought, Huh, actually it’s already mid-to-late January and suddenly I’m like, AAAAAHHHH?!

So. I have that to look forward to.

I still have 10 days to post the December WODs, before I need to get my butt in gear to post January’s so here you go:

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WODs of November 2014


Life has been busy, and I haven’t even been cooking much. I have been doing my usual exercise thing, more or less, though. I’ve been doing this Crossfit thing for over 2 years now, and I’m now debating what’s next for me. I’m certainly stronger, but my body shape is … weird. In a good way, I guess. Sort of related, am I the only one to notice that the people who design women’s shirts for the Gap don’t believe you should have any upper body strength or something? Just wondering.

Here is November’s workouts. In a few days, I’ll probably post Decembers. Sorry so late.



Only me and one other guy, Scott, opted for the 5K run. My time is a minute or more slower than the previous test. So, most of my benchmarks are worse. Do what you will with that information.


Again, a slower benchmark. But this time it’s because I stupidly tried to do Fran at 65#. Stupid.


Hmm. Though I can’t remember this one, the presence of DUs leads me to believe it wasn’t an easy one for me.


In the original crossfit open version of this, the weight increased with each increase of reps. Such a bad a idea. I don’t remember this one much, but it looks like I was just slightly lower than some of the strong guys in this class. This was the day I then went on a plane to visit my buddies in Chicago (see previous post). Not a great workout to do right before jumping on a plane.




One of my coaches, Jess, has been great at giving me cues to improve my DUs, and it’s sorta kinda beginning to pay off. I still have trouble, but have been stringing more together lately. The most recent observation she made was to slow down my hands since my feet can’t keep up. You’d think maybe I would have figured that one out myself. I didn’t.

Seems like I didn’t take many photos here. I was also out for a number of days, in my (weak defense).


WODs of October 2014

I blinked and suddenly it was Halloween. And now all the stores are hawking their holiday wares. It’s like they’re not even trying to hide the fact that they’re starting so early anymore. We’ve all become immune or something.

Workouts continue. Some better than others. Here’s a peek, in no particular order:


I do remember finishing this one and actually saying something like, ‘wow, this was pretty good’. On occasion the workouts we do balances out the heavy squatting we’ve been doing during our “skill set” portion of class. This is an example of that.


This was a Friday, our “de-load” day. I didn’t do HS PUs, but instead just held the HS for 30 sec or something. I see we did DUs here which leads me to believe I did not enjoy this one. If you squint to see the times you’ll notice I was the last one done, by like a couple of minutes.


Instead of the 100m sprints in the rain we did 250m sprints on the erg. If anything, I’m consistent.


Core to the max. We called those skater jumps “apolo ohnos”


This was a good one, with decent rest in between each set.


The pull ups were killing me on this one. A lot of resting, a lot of bands. A lot of counting by 3’s





Halloween WOD. Our fearless leader Jess dressed up as an 80s aerobics instructor. We ended up combining times as two teams. To win it, i think your best bet is to do the front squats for the minute, and do them quickly, to outpace what you would have gotten were you to d squat cleans. At least, that was my strategy. Unless my legs couldn’t handle it any more.


Oh, look. Doubleunders. And look at that low score next to said DUs. Sheesh. Actually being as this was a while ago I have very little memory of it. See how I can just block these out of my head?


So, after 2+ years of crossfit, I finally found myself doing a 2K. And, it wasn’t as dreadful I had feared. Oh, wait. It was. My time, not great, but I’ll take it … especially if I don’t have to do another one for 2 more years.


Well, then.


People don’t realize how difficult jumping squats or split squats are until they have to do them repeatedly. I won’t forget the workouts from The New Rules of Lifting, which incorporated both into their workouts. Ouch, just ouch. I chose the jumping squats.


I used a dumbbell instead of a kb. 25#, maybe? Yep.


Yes, 3 1/2 min more goodness, with the goal of hitting half of your original 7 minute number. I made it, and I also beat my previous record for 7 min. We later found out that some of the classes didn’t do the 3 1/2 minute portion. The risks that come with attending the first class of the day.

Good month of workouts here.

WODs of September 2014

Usually our group does Wendler for 12 weeks a couple of times a year. This time around we’re doing a new strength training cycle, that’s all about squats (front squats and back squats). In the pic immediately below you can see how it kicked off. For the couple of weeks prior, we all did 1RMs for our front squat. I did mine after coming back from a week of not lifting much at all. I was feeling cruddy that day, was running out of time before doing the WOD and didn’t want to rush, so I stopped at around 100# and called it a day. When this first day of lifting came around, well, I wasn’t struggling very much which made coach Danielle look at me with her stern look:

“Did you sandbag your 1 rep max???”


<continued stern look>

“I might have”

So now I’m basing my numbers on Rina’s 1RM, which is 120#. It’s going ok. We are about 5 weeks in and have another 5 or so weeks to go. Let’s just say heavy is heavy, and at this point I’m getting tired of squatting. On the other hand, my squatting is looking pretty good these days. They call me textbook. That’s a good thing, at least when it comes to squatting.

All of this heavy lifting means that many of our WODs are more cardio-intensive, which for some reason translates into double-unders. Which continue to be the bane of my existence.

I’m posting this late into the month, so I’m leaving most of these without comment, unless there is something that really sticks out there.



WP_20140908_001 WP_20140905_001 WP_20140903_001 WP_20140929_003 WP_20140926_001
WP_20140918_001I didn’t take too many pics this month.


WODs of August 2014

This is going to be abbreviated, as I was out of town for a week, and two other weeks I only went twice because of poor sleep issues (for those of you not in the know, I am a regular attendee of the 5:30 a.m. class. Every once in a while I find myself unable to sleep and end up cancelling my spot at 2 in the morning to try to snag some extra Zs), and once I forgot to take a pic. Actually, that one I remember. It was a 4:30PM class the day after returning from our vacation, and the coach erased the board for the day before I could snap a pic. But, it was EMOM even minutes 10 Burpees, odd minutes 6 Front Squats, for 12 minutes. Good times. And so were these …


This was yesterday’s (end of the month, end of the week). A very sweaty workout. Pull-ups were terrible, maybe because I did the burpees before the row, and that wiped my back strength out? All around a hard and long workout.


A lot of front squats this month. Not a fan of this particular squat.


I am a nervous nelly when it comes to those lateral jump overs. Ideally one can whip them out, do them quickly. I can’t string more than two or three together like that.


Lot of writing on this wall. Hm. Doubleunders I’m sure slowed me down for this. I was a full 2 and a half minutes slower than the other guy, it seems.


I remember this one in that the kettlebell swings clicked for me. My coach, Jess, gave me some cue that changed the way I was doing them, for the better. It’s all about the momentum.


I remember doing this one, especially the skill work (balance) …but it’s not memorable.


A lot of running. Good deal.

There was one more I remember doing this month … We basically did 6x400m, where the goal was to rest for the same amount of time it took to run the lap. What I remember about that one was the consistency I was able to maintain over the 6 reps: The first 4 were all around 2 minutes and the last 2 were like 2:06 or something. More running. Good, since I’ve only been getting out to run maybe once a week, in prep for my upcoming 10K. First race of the year. Yeah!

WODs of July 2014

It’s been a while since I last posted. Busy and fun and hot summer. I’ve got some tasty food posts lined up in the queue, but let’s get down to business first …


This was the last wod of the month, and suited my strengths, Burpees and erging. I don’t necessarily like these activities,i can just keep a good pace for both of them.


Earlier this week. I was in the “SSC” class, where we use telephone poles to measure distances and I was positive we were running to the 5th pole, not the 4th. But, if everyone is running to the 5th, what are you going to do, not do the same? Slow workout for me.


Karen is bad enough, but then she has to go and bring her mean friend Double Unders to (literally) whip my butt. I didn’t even meet the other one. As it turns out, though, I did Karen in the same amount of time as I did it without her friends waiting around for me.


I felt this one for days after, especially in the tush. Reverse lunges will always do it to me. Also, I messed up the counting so had to guesstimate the math at the end.


What’s missing in this photo is the 7 minute rest in between rounds (3 rounds). The goal is to maintain the highest intensity for all rounds, and strive to kee the same time throughout. I knew Round 1 was going to be faster as I didn’t pace myself well in the first 250m erg piece. Rounds 2 and 3 are more like it.


Slow and steady.


Toes to Bar have become a pain in the butt. Technically, a pain in the back. So I’ve stopped doing them. Knees to elbow (or, it’s hated alternative, V-Ups) are just fine by me. With T2B AND DUs, this was not a favorite.


We did this last summer. I can’t read my notes to see how I compare, though. Press and Push Press are among my favorite lifts, though.


Pretty sure I ran the first part and erged the second one. I was too tired to get my butt out the door, so I sat down at the erg instead.


My goal is always to stay at or under 4:00 for a 1,000-meter row. If you have the option of erging first or second (which we have to do due to lack of rowers for everyone) … choose the latter.


I like the ladders. I haven’t done much bench press since starting CrossFit (vs. the gym, where I did it all the time). It’s a nice change of pace. I miss it.

WODs of June 2014

I really ought to include the year in these post titles, as I’ve now been doing this crossfit thing for well over a year (2 years in September). I’m still only slightly embarrassed about it. Anyway, it’s benchmark time, so we are repeating several of the “girls” and I am noticing my times are slower than last year. I’m carrying a little more weight than I was last year (going to have to start shedding those winter pounds at some point).

I know I missed taking a couple of pics, possibly of a benchmark. I also missed class at least once (due to lack of sleep). 

Karen. Slower this time around, I think because a) I counted more accurately and b) I tried not to cheat and count bad reps and c) I'm just slower these days. It's a benchmark WOD trend this summer.

Karen. Slower this time around, I think because a) I counted more accurately and b) I tried not to cheat and count bad reps and c) I’m just slower these days. It’s a benchmark WOD trend this summer.

Hmm. Barely remember this one.

Hmm. Barely remember this one.

You can do anything for 60 seconds. Something I like to remember when working out. It's that abs routine on the side that kills me.

You can do anything for 60 seconds. Something I like to remember when working out. It’s that abs routine on the side that kills me.

First, I did not PR in my 1-rep max attempt at the DL. Then the WOD, where I'm guessing the Double Unders gave me quite a bit of trouble, as they usually do.

First, I did not PR in my 1-rep max attempt at the DL. Then the WOD, where I’m guessing the Double Unders gave me quite a bit of trouble, as they usually do.

Headstands are harder than you think!

Headstands are harder than you think!

Lookin' good, Helen! Lookin a few seconds faster this time around.

Lookin’ good, Helen! Lookin a few seconds faster this time around.

I cranked it in the row, then died doing the KB swings. Sad story.

I cranked it in the row, then died doing the KB swings. Sad story.

That time I thought I beat my time by like a minute, only to realize I actually was 4 seconds slower.

That time I thought I beat my time by like a minute, only to realize I actually was 4 seconds slower.

Look at my time. I'm much slower than the others. Working on form for my pull ups. Yeah, that's what it was.

Look at my time. I’m much slower than the others. Working on form for my pull ups. Yeah, that’s what it was.


This was today. Bar-facing burpees are getting easier. Still annoying, but not as annoying.

Happy Lifting.

WODs of May

Lots of Wendler, and other fun to be had. FYI, these are in no particular order, only the order in which WordPress uploads the photos, I suppose.


When you walk in and see this written on the wall, you know it’s not actually going to be a “Good Time” … this was 8 hill sprints. My first sprint was “with the guys”, from 38th up to 35th on 55th Ave NE. The next 6 were from 37th up, and the last one, because we were running out of time, was from 36th up. The debate then arose, would you rather do Sprints, or Karen? I said sprints. But last week I did Karen, and I’ve since changed my mind. Ha!


We do the Push Press/Chin Up routine every so often. The trick is to make sure you’re counting appropriately. But the “then” part was new and improved.


This was the morning I barely got a wink of sleep, ended up missing the 5:30am and shooting for 9:30am instead. The 5:30 class killed it. Me, not so much.


I don’t ever recall doing “bar-facing burpees” until after “The Open” this year … now they’re, like, all the rage or something. Not a favorite, because you lose your rhythm every time you have to stop, jump, turnaround, etc.


So, there’s this one …


I tried to do handstand pushups and I still can’t. I can do handstands against the wall like a boss, I can manage the “negative”, just can’t manage the getting my arms straightened up again part. Kinda freaks me out.


I think the goal here was to do the swings unbroken. I’m pretty sure I broke them up after the first round. Sometimes I have it, sometimes I don’t.


That time I tried to lead an erging session for my classmates. I hope it was helpful. It sure was a lot of rowing.


It was either this one or another WOD when I vividly recall trying my first round of T2B and feeling bad things in my back. Know when to say when, and just say yes to scaled workouts (i.e. knees to chest)


What’s up with these HSPUs? I did try and succeed at doing the “kick” to get myself up into the handstand position, for the first time. That was cool. Sometimes when I do the cartwheel like motion, I stop short. There’s some weird mental thing I have with handstands, and it makes me do moronic things.


These are good days to interject into the ones where you think you’re gonna pass out. I like the ones I can hardly remember. At least I think I do.


The abs/core workout is the worst. Those flippin scissor kicks still get to me.


Last but not least (and not really last of the month, since Memorial Day came early this year) … My first attempt at the full version of “Murph”. Not too shabby, though my pull-ups and push-ups were not RX … I started my push-ups on the floor and ended up on the bar. Also, my legs hurt for days after this due to all the squats. Sheesh. But, I’m happy I did it, even though I did hem and haw over which one to do up until the timer started.


WODs – April 2014

Did a poor job of taking pics… Boo… This is in no particular order, definitely not chronological.


04-07-14 “Get Your Goat” implies that you work on things you need to work on. I believe I did front squats and firehouse run. really I could have worked on my DUs, but, well I didn’t.


040214 Smiley face on the board doesn’t mean there are smiling faces on the people


043014 Ah yes, where we debated “exactly which telephone pole”?


042114 Hmmm… This is vaguely familiar but obviously I enjoyed it so much I’ve erased it from memory


041814 This was choose the WOD you haven’t already done this week … I did the KB Swings / Push Ups / Run


041614. Yup Did this one, too.


041414 The Birthday WOD. Pull ups AND Chin ups. Good times.


WODs of March

March means Crossfit Open WODs, among other things. If you want to read more about the open, I encourage you to check out Danielle’s blog. Danielle is a trainer at SCF and she actually did the Open, as opposed to me, who watched video of people doing the open. She just posted a recap on her reactions to it.

So, I did do Open-like WODs, as they were the workouts on Fridays this month. I just did modified versions of them. Modified they were still very tough, and I can’t imagine doing the real thing. Maybe I would have tried it in my 20s, but I am decidedly not in my 20s any more, and not that I’m counting but next week kicks off the last year of my 30s. Yowzas. I guess that’s another post for another day.

Here goes …

(Below) My first WOD back from a few days in California. It was actually a nice segway into getting back into the swing of things. Get it? Swing?



(Below) Ummm. Yep. I did this one all right. And … that’s about all I can remember about that.



(Below) This was Open 14.2 I did not do the RX. The modified was Front Squats and Pull Ups.


Open 14.2

(Below) And here is 14.3 … The modified was that you didn’t increase weight with each round. Because, you know, increasing weight AND reps is totally, totally, TOTALLY ridiculous.


Open 14.3

(Below)  I do recall wearing green on St. Patrick’s Day. I don’t recall much else. We did a lot of Cleans this month, probably in prep of the Open WODs. It seems everything was about the Open.



(Below) Zach and his smiley faces. That doesn’t make it a happy moment. I definitely felt the chest burn on this one.



(Below) Hello, Open 14.4. What they call a Chipper. I had planned to do the Toes-to-Bar, which I can do. When I got to that point I did about 3 Toes-to-Bars and was like FTS! So I did knees-to-chest instead. I managed to get through the Power Cleans (not RX). With about 30 seconds to go, our trainer, Jess, asked if she should pull out the rings so I could finish the dips (I don’t think anyone planned to get that far through).  I just shook my head, waved my arms, like no, please no.


Open 14.4

The inspiration for this was the 300 KB swings a day challenge our coach was doing. I didn’t think I’d get more than 20 unbroken KB swings, but my top score was in the 80s.

3-24-14(Below) Forgot my phone, so here is 14.5. Last, definitely not least. So, it’s not just burpees. It’s bar-facing burpees. That is, you face your Thrusters bar. You do a burpee. you jump over the bar, you turn to face the bar, you do another burpee. You do that 21 times, after those 21 Thrusters of course. Then 18 times. Then …

I did the modified version, meaning my Thrusters weight was not RX, and my time was not terrible, right around 15 minutes. Though it was hard to get into a good burpees rhythm, if you just kept yourself moving and didn’t slow down, it was okay.

CF-14-5 3-28-14

Open 14.5

The day after 14.5 I did a Trail Run with a couple of other CF gals and Trainer Jess 2 (the ultramarathoner Jess, as opposed to Yoga Jess) We ran around Ravenna/Cowen Park trails for about 50 minutes, in the cold rain. The rain wasn’t bad. The trails were fun. Within the first five minutes, Jess had us doing this interesting descent, what looked like a 30-foot drop in the mud. I ended up squatting and basically sliding down the mud. I later told her I was more freaked out by that descent than I was when I started 14.5. The run was fun, especially as Jess regaled us with stories about Badwater. Bad ass, is what I say.

(Below) Last one of the month. I used the 14-lb Wall Ball for once. I’m short. I do not like Wall Balls.

3-31-14And … buy-bye March!