It was around 9:30 a.m. when I was driving home from practice (Steady state from Gas Works to the Locks and back to the Fremont Bridge, with the return trip at increasing rates every 5 minutes) … you can’t miss the tailgaters waiting for the big game (UW vs. Ohio State). We live about two miles from Husky Stadium. The E-1 Parking lot was packed (and officially full, according to the signs hanging from the pedestrian walkways overhead). So after an errand or two the husband and I walked down to the party to check out the action. Oh, and to buy some new Washington shirts. Funny. I didn’t attend the UW. I went to two other schools. Yet I have more Washington clothing than from the schools I actually attended, total.
My school didn’t do this kind of stuff. I didn’t grow up in a football kind of family. This tailgating culture is foreign to me. It’s sort of like a sociological study to observe the atmosphere. The yelling, the screaming, the ‘everyone wears purple’. With this game in particular, there is a lot of energy in the air. Makes it exciting, win or lose (but better if they win).
In some of the pics (like this one), you’ll notice a single line of people waiting. They are waiting for the Honey Buckets, which are lined up near the fence that separates the parking lot from Montlake Blvd. The boys, instead of waiting in line, strut behind the Honey Buckets and take a leak against the ivy-covered fence. The same fence that separates the parking lot from Montlake Blvd. I saw one guy holding his full cup of beer with his teeth, and peeing at the same time. Eeew!
The husband was amused that I was so shocked. Asked if I took any pictures of them. I didn’t.
By the way, the game is on right now. This guy, Jake Locker. Red-shirt freshman quarterback. He’s got some really good stuff. Lots of kids wearing t-shirts that say “Montlake Jake”or just the #10 jersey. How interesting it seems, to me, that you go to school with this kid and you pay a lot of money to buy and wear a jersey with the guys number. He’s just a kid, can’t forget that.
Here are some pics from the big party.