This was a lovely piece to write. I interviewed an interview coach! Diana YK Chan was positive, upbeat, and had some great advice for the job seekers out there.
You can read more about her advice here: How You Can Bounce Back After a Bad Job Interview (and Ace the Next One)
And I’ll add some additional thoughts that didn’t make it into the story.

Body Language!
Chan says 93% of your message impact is based on your body language. It’s not just what you say but how you say it. Especially as we are all doing inteviews over Zoom, job seekers need to amp it up even more.
Chan suggests for Zoom interviews, having an office vibe in your background. You want to come across as professional. You also really, really need to practice. Set up your camera to double-check lighting. Make sure your audio is working well before the interview. And if something fails, don’t sweat it. Use humor to lighten the mood if A/V difficulties gets your nerves.
Head vs. Heart!
Chan said these words a few times, and I included it in the story as well, but there’s something to be said about responding from your heart and not your head. When you over-worry or over-analyze you are more likely to respond with your head, like, ‘this is what they want me to say.’ Instead, speak from your heart. She spoke of making that connection with your interviewer.
Anyway, Diana was generous with her time and has a great presence on LinkedIn, so I recommend giving her a follow.
Read: How You Can Bounce Back After a Bad Job Interview (and Ace the Next One)