Title: Goodnight, Nebraska
Author: Tom McNeal
Read in: July 2016 (published in 1999)
One sentence summary: Shy boy who has seen tragedy in his life shoots step-father, which sends him to a small town in Nebraska where he seeks to redeem and forgive himself
There are a number of books in this year’s list that were recommended from my friend Kate, who is a middle school teacher. She does a lot of reading so she knows what to recommend when students ask her. This was on that list, and I didn’t get around to it until now, but I’m glad I did.
So much of my reading is genre specific. I love urban fantasy. I enjoy comedy romance. Young adult fiction. How often do a read a book that’s just a plain good novel with a compelling story. This one is that. Without supernatural heroes, epic bloody fights, sensational landscapes or laugh out loud dialogue.
This just told a very good story by a really great storyteller. Vivid characters in a small town remind you that everyone has secrets and scandals, and tragedy happens to those who least expect it.