Title: Jessica Jones The Pulse The Complete Collection
Author: Brian Michael Bendis
Read in: June 2016
One-sentence summary: The are the continued adventures of former superhero, private investigator Jessica Jones.
I had to wait a bit after reading the first collection of Jessica Jones comic books. BTW, are the terms comic book and graphic novel interchangeable? That I have to ask that probably shows the level of aptitude I have around GNs, and especially the Marvel Universe, and because of that perhaps I didn’t love this because I was confused much of the time due to not being familiar with all of the characters. Like, Spider-Man, sure. And Nick Fury, okay. But as Jessica Jones delves deeper into S.H.I.E.L.D. and all them, I was just trying to understand at that higher level.
It was interesting to read in GN format the tales of Jessica Jones’ pregnancy and her marriage. Just stuff I don’t expect in a comic book. Of a working joe, trying to support her family. I enjoyed her character a ton. Glad I was able to read through the full series. I would like to find other graphic novel series with a similar feel. Don’t even know where to start, though.
Recommended for: Fans of the TV series.