Ohai. It’s been a while. Something like three months or so. I don’t know, I guess we got kind of busy. School started for the kid. Then work got nut-so. Then work moved to a new building closer to the mothership. And then I blinked and it was Thanksgiving.
What else? Oh, I sorta tried this thing called hot yoga. It’s all the rage and I kind of like it. Also, I have tendinitis in my ankle which makes my ankle not like yoga sometimes. Balancing on my left foot sometimes hurts, or sometimes is very difficult or nearly impossible. But you gotta do it, says the PT. You’re strong enough to do it without the wobbly arms thing going on. But when in life do you stand on one leg, says the yoga instructor (I mean, besides yoga class, I suppose). So, I’m trying to do these PT exercises, hoping it gets better. I suppose after three-plus years of doing this crossfit/not-CF thing, some tendinitis is the biggest injury? I’m doing ok, I guess.
I have four months of workouts that I could log here, but I’m not going to. Instead I’m going highlight our Blue Friday workouts. Since Seahawks pre-season started our (Blue!) Friday workouts have been themed around football and the Seahawks. That makes it a little more interesting, though sometimes annoying.
Ka-Kaw! Go Hawks!