I’m still wrapping up some paleo posts here. Not every recipe was a slam sunk. For example. The web is chockful if Paleo dieters searching for the perfect pancake recipe. I was looking to make use of some almond flour and found a recipe using that, bananas and eggs for what looked like a pancake. However the texture was not so good. Even worse, the pancake leftovers didn’t star the test of time, all 4 hours.
So when life gives you mediocrity, make mediocre robot muffins!
The kid enjoyed these. Only had enough to make two cupcakes/muffins. She ate the first one up, and would have eaten the second one the following night, had Max not interfered and snatched it when it fell to the floor. Poor muffin. Kid was retelling the story just yesterday, though this happened a month ago. Hard to forget the one that got away.
For the record, THESE are the best paleo banana pancakes.