Today: 15 minutes walking on the treadmill, 2% incline at 3.5 mph. Then, 30 minutes elliptical, kept the heart rate in the 140s. Then, bw squats, biceps and shoulder press with band. Taking it easy these days. I gained a little more weight these past four weeks than I should have, no doubt due to the fact that I’m not exercising as much as I used to. Oh, and I suppose the cookie baking, Halloween candy eating, mocha imbibing has something to do with it.
My favorite beverage of this season: a tall decaf reduced-fat eggnog latte. The decaf, yeah, it’s kinda lame, but whatev. I’m over it. Egad. Nevermind. I just checked the web site and apparently one of these suckers is 370 calories. The runner-up, tall nonfat with whipped mocha is “just” 230 calories. A bit easier to digest, so to speak.