E. asked me to post some dinner photos tonight but they didn’t come out too well. Turkey Pot Pie from Metropolitan Market (free with our coupon, yeee haw!). So instead I thought I’d show you what Max had for dinner tonight. There’s a bit of a ritual. It starts with Max DYING to get his food. Sitting, paying attention, playing the “good” pet, the “look how well I’m behaving”.
Then he eats. Yum! After the first few feedings, we realized he would eat too fast only to barf it back up a few minutes later. Yay. So now we split it up into two feedings. This was his second. Like the jolly roger floor mat we use as his food mat? Courtesy of Archie McPhee. It matches his pirate collar we put on him when we take him to the park. Dinner: Science Diet Lite Food for Adults (Small Bites).
So, how was dinner? See for yourself: