Workouts of June 2015

Lots of routines as of late. I’m definitely a Mon-Wed-Fri Not-WODster. The crew around me is pretty regular, with a few change-ups here and there. Right now I have a different coach each day: Andy on Mondays, Mitch on Wednesdays, Jess on Fridays (also Jess on Tuesdays for Yoga). It makes for a varied experience when you rotate coaches. This has been good, too.


This was the day Rina and I got a talking to by the Coach. The “You’re stronger than you think you are” talking. Increase the weight to challenge yourself and your muscles. I think I did 60#. It’s the front squats. Those things scare me into thinking I’m going to do something that kills my back.


Jeez, Andy, can you write any smaller?? Does this look familiar? It is Not-Helen. Actually it is exactly Helen. My time was in the 11 – 12 minute range.


Which would you rather: Doubleunders or Squat Jumps? Believe it or not, I’d take DUs over SJs. Plus, 30 seconds is nothing. Then again, 5 times 30 seconds is …


More ring plank. 🙁


The Sprints were a drag. It is an alley behind a bunch of houses, it has a slight incline. It is sprinting. The Strength, was just a get’r’done kind of thing. Kickin’ it old school, as I like to say.




Side Plank is the worst!


Least faves


How many Burpees can you do in 30 seconds? Not a lot. Maybe 7. That’s manageable.


Wall Walks. Kinda fun, kinda scary.

And then there were a couple of days where I forgot to take a pic, but I remembered to take a screengrab.
20150607_025631000_iOS 061515A lot of pics this month. A lot of workouts.


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